Town of Pelham: Due to the snow and ice forecast, Town Hall will open at 11:00AM on Thursday, February 6. 

Town of Pelham

Food Scraps Program up and Running in the Town of Pelham

The Village of Pelham and the Village of Pelham Manor recently announced the official launch of the Pelham Residential Food Scrap Recycling Program. This is a partnership between both villages and Westchester County, so now all Pelham residents can bring food scraps to the Food Scrap Drop-Off site located in Parking Lot 7 (north of the Village of Pelham DPW yard, behind Rockwells – enter from Sparks Avenue). 

This program is one that many residents have wanted for years. Composting food scraps is a win-win. It reduces the amount of trash we produce and transforms food waste into a resource that’s beneficial to the environment. It results in cleaner soil, water and air. But even though we’ve wanted to launch this site for quite some time, this service would not be possible without the incredible support of the Environmental Coalition of the Pelhams (EcoPel). EcoPel awarded the Village a grant this year that covers all the startup costs related to the site. Alongside their financial support, the volunteers on the Sustainability Advisory Board and the Climate Smart Communities Task Force have spent months working closely with both village governments. 

While it’s not required, we strongly encourage all participants to purchase a “starter kit,” available for $21/kit. The starter kits include a countertop pail, a transportation bin and a roll of compostable bags. Village of Pelham residents can sign up for a kit by sending an email to [email protected] and Village of Pelham Manor residents can sign up by emailing [email protected].

More information for Pelham Manor residents and how to participate can be found here.
More information for Village of Pelham residents and how to participate can be found here.