Town Engineer

34 Fifth Avenue Town Hall
Pelham, NY 10803
Phone: (914) 813-1859
Email: [email protected]
James E. Vassalotti III, RA
All deeds, related to parcels of property within the Town of Pelham, are reviewed for accuracy by this office.
Property owners wishing to apportion or consolidate their property should contact this office, so that they may be provided a guide stating what recorded deeds are necessary to accomplish their goals.
This office reviews all home improvements, i.e. alterations & remodeling, which require Village Permits. All architectural and structural drawings are given to the Town Assessor for review, to see if the improvements warrant a change in the property’s assessed value. The same procedure is applied for new construction.
This office maintains the Tax Maps and related documents for The Town of Pelham. The Tax Maps and related documents date back to the early 1900’s, and include information regarding subdivisions of properties prior to creation of the Tax Maps.
Property folders, for each of the approximately 3,700 parcels within The Town of Pelham, are accurately updated, as needed. Within the property folder is a property card containing a diagram of the house’s footprint, the area of living space, structural composition of the house, and inventory of rooms, bedrooms, powder rooms, porches, etc. All deeds related to the property are kept in this folder, providing a thorough property history.