Office of Town Constable

34 Fifth Avenue
Pelham, NY 10803
Stephen Conte
The Town of Pelham has employed Constables since 1944. A Constabulary is the oldest form of Law Enforcement in the world and are still widely used today. Over the years our role has changed along with the times. Today our responsibilities include:
- Court security
- Prisoner transportation
- Process serving
- Enforcement of judgments
- Staff security
- Community support
Court Security
Court is in regular session two days per week, Wednesday and Thursday. Wednesday court begins at 9 AM and generally is reserved for traffic infractions. Thursday court takes place in the evening and begins at 6 PM. This session is reserved for all criminal matters. Trials may take place on any day of the week.
During all court proceedings, a safe and orderly environment is our primary concern. We maintain decorum during all formal and informal courtroom sessions. The Constables provide security for the judges, court personnel and the public.
Prisoner Transportation
During criminal proceedings, all individuals who have been remanded to the county or state correctional facility, are transported by the Constables to and from the court. All transportation takes place in the departmental vehicle.
Process Serving
Constables for the Town of Pelham find and issue a court ordered subpoena for any individual who is summoned to appear before the court.
Enforcement of Judgments
For those cases that the court awards a settlement of some value, the Constables are able to carry out and follow through on the ruling handed down by the judge and collect the court approved award.
Staff Safety
While court is in session and the time immediately afterwards, the Constables provide a safe and secure environment for all courtroom personnel.
Community Support
The Office of town Constable provides support for a variety of community functions such as the Little League and Memorial Day Parades. We also provide safe crossing for those Pelham students walking to Glover Field for after school activities.
All Constables must go through the New York State approved Peace Officer Training as outlined by the Department of Criminal Justice. Additional training is provided for the Constables through a series of In-Service Training through our department.