Town of Pelham: Due to the snow and ice forecast, Town Hall will open at 11:00AM on Thursday, February 6. 

Town of Pelham

Daronco Town House Policies


Thank you for selecting the Daronco Town House for your meeting site. The Town House is available for public use during hours when it is not in use by the Town government and/or its related programs. It is available for use by Pelham residents and organizations in order to conduct non-profit, civic, community and cultural and educational related activities or professional meetings.

Although the Town will make every attempt to provide alternative dates, the Town reserves the right to cancel a reservation for use of the Town House for Town purposes. Please be advised that the Town of Pelham has priority with respect to use of the Town House and reserves the right to cancel reservations and/or refuse reservations to any individual, organization or event. It also reserves the right to prohibit any activity that may be injurious to the Town House, the grounds or to any person; or in the event that the proposed use would be in violation of any Federal, State or Municipal law, code or regulation.

Guidelines have been established to ensure a successful rental for community members and organizations. Please review the attached Public Meeting Room Guidelines and Policies and Public Meeting Room Application. Applications should be submitted to Pelham Town Hall, Town Clerk's Office, 20 Fifth Avenue, Pelham, NY l 0803 or by e-mail to [email protected].

  • Reservations are tentative until paid in full and confirmed by Town staff. Payment shall be made by check(s) made payable to the "Town of Pelham".
  • Rental times must include set-up and clean-up.
  • Tables and chairs are available by request.

If you have any questions please contact the Town Clerk at (914) 738-0777