Community Planning Workshop: We’re hosting a virtual Community Planning Workshop to discuss the future of the road between Glover Field and Pelham High School. We’ve partnered with NYMTC (New York Metropolitan Transportation Council) to ensure your ideas help shape meaningful improvements for safety, accessibility, and travel ease in our community. 📅 Date: January 30⏰ Time: 7 PM💻 Register Here: Your voice matters! Share your ideas, ask questions, and be part of the solution. Let’s work together for a better community!  

Town of Pelham

COVID-19 Update 12.5.2020


Dear Pelham Neighbors, 

We are alarmed at the rising numbers of positive cases in the Town of Pelham. On Thursday 12/3, the number of residents who tested positive was 50. Yesterday, 12/4, 80 cases were confirmed—a 60% increase in cases in one day. This trend is on the fast-track to bring us back to the month of March, where we saw the highest number of cases in our Town. The local hospitals are seeing an increase in hospitalizations and likely will soon become overwhelmed if we do not curtail the spread of this virus. Our healthcare workers and first responders deserve our partnership to be vigilant while protecting ourselves and our families.

To do your part:

-Please continue to wear a facemask at all times in public

-Maintain at least six feet of social distancing when in public

-Wash your hands and sanitize surfaces regularly

-Do not socialize with anyone outside of your immediate family members to the greatest extent possible.  

– And if you or anyone in your family has any COVID-19 symptoms, get tested immediately and quarantine until you receive a negative result.  


We have heard reports of youths who continue to gather without masks, playing sports and congregating without social distancing. We implore you to remind your children to adhere to the social distancing and mask guidelines at all times.


With the vaccine on the way, the end is in sight—but please bear with us a bit longer. While we all prefer to celebrate with friends and family this time of year, instead, we ask you to consider alternate activities at home writing cards to servicemen & women, baking, watching movies and playing games – there are free apps where you can get together virtually and play games like Kahoot! and house party. The town council is working to organize a Pelham Trivia Night and will share details shortly.


We urge everyone to remain vigilant and safe until the spring, when we hope to resume our lives and all be together again.  For anyone who is experiencing loneliness or depression during this difficult time, please contact the Westchester County Hotline at (914) 995-1900 from 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. or for emergencies contact (914) 925-5959.  


Please be safe!

The Pelham Town Board

Dan McLaughlin, Supervisor

Rae Syzmanski, Deputy Supervisor

Kristen Bowes Burke

Tim Case

Maura Curtin